NAATI CCL Test for PR – Ultimate Guide and Tips

Do you want to move to Australia? Are you looking for easy ways to gain points for your visa application? If yes, then you have come to the right place. This blog includes what the NAATI test is, the importance of the NAATI test for PR, and the NAATI test preparation. It will also give you a clear insight into the NAATI CCL test, which will help you gain 5 points for a smooth journey toward your point-based visa application.

If you wish to study in Australia or work as an interpreter or translator, the NAATI CCL test is a great way to boost your points for PR. It is comparatively more accessible than other tests offered by NAATI.

Let’s check out how to crack this exam.

What is NAATI Test?

Let’s discover what the NAATI test is. National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters – NAATI offers a test named CCL (Credentialed Community Language) which helps students earn 5 PR points for the point-based immigration process.

If you pass the test, you will be given 5 points, also known as  Credentialed Community Language points. It tests your language abilities. NAATI CCL is conducted by the National Accreditation Authority of Translators and Interpreters.

For example, if a student wishes to apply for permanent residence in Australia, he/she can appear for this exam. The migration process for Australia is point-based, depending on your profile which covers IELTS, age, education, country of residence, etc.

Importance of NAATI CCL Test for PR

Up till now, you’ve understood what NAATI Test is. But before moving forward, you should also be aware of its importance.

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  • Being an NAATI-certified translator is essential for every translator in Australia. NAATI test for immigration helps you earn PR points for a successful visa process.
  • Students are usually unaware of what is NAATI test; therefore, they fail to understand its importance. NAATI test for immigration is not necessarily for those who want to be a translator or interpreter. It can also be given if you lack PR points for migration.

Point System For PR

Candidates applying for Australian immigration must get a score of a minimum of 60 points to get their visa. Below are the requirements for points-based Australian Skilled Immigration.

Nominated Occupation:

To be eligible for the General Skilled Migration Program, applicants must choose from skilled occupations stated on Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills, Regional Occupation List, Short-term Skilled Occupation, or the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme. Skills assessment is required for the following Visa Applications in NAATI for PR:

  • Sponsored Visa by an Employee
  • Graduate Visa (Temporary)
  • Skill Shortage Visa (Temporary)
  • General Skilled Migration Visa


Applicants are awarded points according to the age group in which they fall at the time of application. Following are the respective points according to age group:

Points according to the age group

English language proficiency:

IELTS is required for some skill-select applicants in NAATI for PR. Note that if you have a degree that is equivalent to an Australian Bachelor’s degree or higher qualification from an institution in which the medium of instruction was in English, then you do not need to appear for IELTS.

Moreover, you can always get points for Superior or Proficient English Language skills; for that, you need to take the IELTS test.

English Language ProficiencyPoints
Superior (IELTS score of 8 or more)20
Proficient (IELTS score of 7 or more)10
Competent (IELTS score of 6 or more)0

Skilled Employment:

Applicants are awarded points for specific skilled occupations in the NAATI test for immigration. Experience that must be gained within the last ten years. The maximum total points in NAATI for PR are 20, whereas others are mentioned below based on years of experience.

  • Work Experience Outside Australia
No. of YearsPoints
3-4 years5
5-7 years10
8+ years15
  • Work Experience in Australia
No. of YearsPoints
1-2 years5
3-4 years10
5-7 years15
8+ years20


  • Work experience must have been gained within the last 10 years.
  • You can combine points from both Australian and overseas experience, but the maximum total for this category is 20 points.
  • The experience must be paid, and certain roles (e.g., internships or part-time jobs) may not count unless explicitly approved.

Educational Qualifications:

Points are awarded based on recent qualifications; for example, if you have a bachelor’s and doctorate, then you will be awarded points for your doctorate. Make sure that any qualification is related to the nominated occupation and that it is similar to those recognized by Australia’s qualification. This will be awarded according to the qualifications mentioned below.

Educational QualificationPoints
Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree15
Australian Diploma or Trade Qualification10
Award or Qualification recognized by the authority in skill assessment10

Australian Qualifications:

Students that have a degree from an Australian educational institution are awarded 5 points in NAATI for PR. The duration of a particular course of degree should be at least two years. It could be a diploma, degree, or trade qualification.

Regional Study:

If you have the above qualification while you are living in a regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan area, you can score another 5 points. It could be any diploma, degree, or trade qualification after studying in a regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan area.

Community Language Skills:

Applicants can appear for the NAATI CCL test and earn five points based on their language abilities. It should be recognized by Australia’s National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI). NAATI Test for immigration is recognized translator/interpreter level skills in a community language.

Spouse/partner Skills and Qualifications:

If you want to relocate with your spouse or partner, then their skills should meet the Australian General Skilled Migration basic requirements (listed above) above requirements, too. Your spouse’s skills can add up to five points toward the total points.

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Professional Year:

If you have a recognizable Professional Year in Australia in the last four years, you can get 5 points. The professional year must be in your nominated occupation.

Sponsorship and Nomination (Subclass 489 and Subclass 190 only):

The Australian government or Territory government gives you points if you are an applicant for the skilled nominated visa (subclass 190) up to 5 PR points or sponsored provisional visa (subclass 489) up to 10 PR points.

NAATI CCL Test Format

NAATI CCL tests are conducted from Monday to Friday. It is conducted online so that international students can appear in Canberra time. You can find the complete information on the official website of the NAATI Test for PR.

The NAATI CCL test consists of two dialogue recordings:

  1. The first dialogue consists of a conversation between a native English Speaker.
  2.  The second dialogue consists of a conversation between a native language other than English LOTE speaker.
  3. A chime signals the end of each segment, allowing candidates time to interpret before the next segment is played.

The important aspects of NAATI CCL are discussed below:

  • The dialogues contain segments of up to 35 words. The dialogue word limit is around 300 words, of which half is in English and half is in LOTE. The allotted time is 30 minutes. It is delivered through recorded material.
  • A person as supervisor will be there to manage the test.
  • As a candidate, ensure you do not indulge in any type of discussion with the supervisor.
  • To gain maximum points on the NAATI test for immigration, be concise and clear with your words.

Domains Covered in The Test:

The NAATI CCL test consists of real-life scenarios related to daily life in Australian society.

  • Immigration
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Consumer Affairs
  • Social services
  • Health
  • Legal
  • Business
  • Financial
  • Insurance
  • Housing
  • Community


NAATI offers 55 languages, including:



How To Apply for The NAATI CCL Test?

To apply for NAATI test booking, you can read the complete instructions from their official website

Follow the steps below to apply for NAATI CCL:

  1. Create an online profile at my NAATI
  2. Submit an online application for the NAATI test booking
  3. NAATI usually processes applications within 2–7 business days.
  4. You will get an email notification about the status of your application
  5. Select a test date to complete the NAATI test booking.
  6. Make Payment

Tips for NAATI CCL Test Preparation

You can find the complete material for test preparation of NAATI for PR from their official website.

However, here are some tips and tricks to crack NAATI CCL:

  • Language Other Than English: Choose the language in which you are sure that you will perform your best. You can take guidance from the NAATI CCL tutorials. If you find difficulty finding the right material, you can also book an appointment with an expert on our website.
  • Source of Entertainment: Try to speak, listen and understand the speech that you have chosen for NAATI CCL, for example, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, and Tamil. Try to watch movies and videos in your LOTE, pause the video, and repeat sentences so that you become able to communicate effectively in that language.
  • Reading Habit: To boost your score, read several articles on topics like health, education, legal, community, financial, housing, business, and trade from the Australian newspaper website or their official government websites. You can do the same for LOTE.
  • Focus on Vocabulary: Look for words and sentences which are commonly used in conversations and which are related to the topics mentioned in the test format of NAATI CCL. Try including that vocabulary in your daily life so that you can speak fluently during the NAATI test.
  • Develop your speaking habit:  Take a mirror and start talking to yourself; this will enhance your speaking ability. Ask your family or try listening to recorded passages and then try to interpret that in other languages.
  • Practice Materials: There are several apps and resources available online that will help you record your messages and speak back. Try to do some research and choose your study material as per your weaknesses and strengths after the NAATI test booking.

NAATI Test Cost & Time

Now let’s learn about the NAATI CCL Test fee. Credentials issued after 9 August 2022 have a validity of a 5-year period. Results are sent within 4-6 weeks after the test. NAATI CCL test fee is $814. You will have approximately 35 minutes, so it is suggested that you complete the test in 20 minutes and keep 15 minutes to read the instructions. Preparation time depends upon your speaking ability, but the minimum time can be 15 days before the NAATI test booking. NAATI CCL test fee is subject to change with time.

NAATI Test Facts and Statistics

According to the survey of test candidates conducted by NAATI, 69% were overall satisfied with the information provided to them before the test, and 64% were satisfied with the task and other material. Check the official survey results.

  1. The test Format is easy to understand and quite easy
  2. Make sure you have a strong internet connection during the test.
  3. The duration of the test is around 20 minutes, and each dialogue is around 300 words.
  4. You will be accessed on each dialogue, which is off 45 marks each,
  5. Dialogues are based on real-life events.


Is NAATI CCL easy?

It is not difficult to crack if you are well prepared.

How can I pass NAATI CCL?

Follow the tips mentioned above and try to refrain from grammatical errors. You have to interpret exactly what the speaker is saying without changing the meaning of the dialogue.

How long does it take to prepare for NAATI CCL?

It takes around a month to be well prepared for NAATI CCL, but it is always preferred to spend more time in preparation for better results.

How do I study for NAATI?

There is a ton of information available online. You can download useful apps to enhance your fluency.

How long is NAATI valid?

NAATI is valid for five years after 9 August 2022.

Can we use headphones for the NAATI exam?

No. NAATI is improving the security of its testing process by banning wired headphones, in addition to the already prohibited Bluetooth headphones. This change ensures a more secure and fair testing environment.

How many days will it take for NAATI results?

It will take around 4-5 weeks after the test date.

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The blog post contains detailed information about what is NAATI test. You can book an appointment online from the Immigration and Education Services (IES) Portal to help you overcome the difficulties you face during your journey of the NAATI for PR. They will also clear any query regarding the NAATI CCL Test fee. This test is a great way to boost your PR points and make you one step closer to your dream destination.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the information provided on the IES Portal website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the content, but immigration laws and regulations may change. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the complete reliability or accuracy of the information presented. The content on our website is not legal or immigration advice and should be used at your own risk. We strongly advise consulting with licensed professionals before making any decisions based on the information found here. Additionally, we do not endorse any third-party organisations, services, or products mentioned on this site unless explicitly stated otherwise. By using our website, you agree to our disclaimer and its terms.

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